• We accept returns within 7 days from the date of delivery only if product is defective or damaged at the time of delivery.
  • To ensure a smooth return process, please ensure that the product and its packaging are in the same condition as when it was delivered.
  • Please note: Returns will not be accepted for products that are damaged or broken. For accuracy, we request that you record a video while unboxing the product to verify its condition upon delivery.
  • Once your return request is submitted, we will arrange a pick-up within 2-3 business days. A refund will be processed within 3-5 business days following the return.
  • In certain regions, pick-up services may not be available. In such cases, you may choose to return the product via any courier service, with Speed Post being a preferred option.

Need Assistance?
For any questions regarding refunds or returns, please contact us at: